About PlanAttic

A while back I was going through the attic and came across a couple of boxes full of old housing development brochures. They had been collected over the 1970s and 80s (for the most part), spanning developments in Arizona, California, Colorado, and a few other places. They had been well preserved, but weren’t doing any good being stored away where nobody could see them.

My mission with this website is to share these brochures with people who would find them interesting. It’s a large collection (nearly 250 brochures) so will take some time to scan and format everything. I’ll share them here as they become available.

I’m hoping by sharing these brochures, people will get a sense of the original concept behind each development. From a historical perspective, perhaps it can also inspire restoration projects that will be in keeping with the intent of the builders and architects who designed and built these places.

And I’m always looking for more brochures to archive and share! If you have some that you’d like to have shared here, please get in touch.

Here’s what we’ve got in our inventory: